Friday, March 18, 2005

Sunrise... Sunset

Like the song huh. Sure ! The sun sets in, then it makes a come back by rising! Oh Yes! And how I love sunsets- and sunrise too!

But you know what, the sun doesn't really disappear, it is us- the earth- who turns away from it. Did you know that the sun- when it seemed to make its final bow each day - didn't actually go I'm pretty sure you know. I'm only making it more glass-clear here. It is the earth's rotation about its axis plus the sun moves around us but very very slowly, in fact, we can not even determine exactly , not until we take a few minute stare at the clouds- that is if there are clouds to see- which makes it look like it is moving away thus leaving us its bright gleaming rays as if coating the entire plane with gold-leaf plating.

So does each sunrise evry morning. Emerging out softly across the horizon, eventually illuminating each tip of a leaf, each blade of grass and on to each tiny grain of sand spreading as if showering its bright and glaring streaks of orange and yellow combined magically as it slowly rises up to start a new day! Hmmnn... It just simply feels good! Thank you Lord.
This is a view from one of the beautiful beaches in Spain- in La Playa del Ingles in Mas Palomas, Gran Canaria. The beach stretches out more than two miles of very fine sand. Although it (sand) isn't sugary white but it sure felt powdery smooth especially when both your feet are emersed some few inches down with its cold but soothing sea water slowly splashing in and out of the shore. The time i spent in this place i noticed that sunsets never seem to fade out as quiclkly as i experienced here in my homeland. Perhaps it was only my imagination that it went out so slow. As i remember i was on the verge of taking off my clothes to make a quick dip when i started gazing its fantastic colors. I realized then it was too cold as i felt the swift Atalantic breeze hovers all over my bare skin. But i'll be back, i hope. And that would be the day! more ...
By the way, sunsets reminds me of a special friend. He too is a lover of this great phenomenon. Hope to see him again!


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