Saturday, March 05, 2005


Has it left already or is it still here?

The word itself sounds low as if regressing deeply down... what do you think?

Well, actually the meaning of words or their sounds are just masks. You can call a thing nice or ugly but it would not matter much to the particular object. So does with the word “poverty”. It is a condition, a situation, a state of being... not some kind of a thing which one needs or somebody whom one can rely upon. In short, it does not have any life! But when it does fall on a person, or inflicts one, it is devastating. One can loose his heart and not feel anything, even loose his mind, unknowingly perhaps.

Another way of describing this very human condition can be said like this: anyone who is poor, has low self-esteem, unhealthy, always feeling low and subdued, uneducated, unhappy, do not have food on the table every mealtime, no money in the bank or elsewhere, practically nothing to look forward to in the days to come... in other words, a vagabond; a destitute, homeless, an individual who does not have material possessions.

It is a situation where one is denied from life’s simple but significant pleasures; like eating the required nutritional foods at proper times, get correct education, do jobs regularly, even perpetually if not eternally.
True enough, poverty is here. It has been here quite sometime now and it looks like it is going to stay a while longer, even forever if nothing is changed in society. But who did this to anyone anyway? It is a very practical yet complex question to be answered.

In our society today, old people tend be unnoticed. In my opinion, in one way or another, they should somehow be cared for and loved more for they were once the leaders, the models of yesterday and still they should be treated as such. They possess the secrets of life’s struggles and battles of our forefathers’ strength, dignity, and morality so richly contained in their hearts and those promises of tomorrow which is now, today!

But one bad circumstance crippled society into confusion and vicious corruption. Yes it is but poverty. A condition so evil it manipulates man to succumb inside his own shell and propagate blasphemous notions of life. He can no longer see life in its purest sense, instead, man is directed towards false hopes, untrue emotions, derailed hearts and eventually falling down the deep dark abyss of reality.

Because of poverty, old but precious family members could not be nurtured more than merely live. They get often abandoned by the younger ones, who etched profusely, for a day’s struggle to obtain a meal or two.

As the question is still left unanswered, the situation of being so poor continues. A Filipino falling below poverty line, cannot answer this question, he cannot even read! Poverty mutilated the essence of life so bad he cannot eat three times a day regularly; he doesn’t have a descent place to sleep, more so than work anywhere at all.

So to whom do we direct the question ? The wealthier ones who strove hard for it or to the all-time rich group who never was poor at any time of their life and managed to stay up since?

No specific people are to be blamed. Many of us are victims, yes, but does it exempt us to do the right things least allow us to do badly? Either way, we must do our share.

For us to attain our goals and aspirations we must think fast and do good deeds to let others feel how great it is to live wholesomely, simply but truthfully!
I can only say: God bless us all!


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