Monday, March 07, 2005

Header image

This image you that see here was created by a very special person. He is a very talented artist. He is a wizard in computers and he always makes you smile! He told me he did it in less than five (5) minutes.
One time i showed him my newly updated web log. I was kind of "boastful" at first 'coz u know i thought i did a good job but after a few seconds he immediately called my attention 'coz he got dismayed looking at my blog which portrayed the title header with a dead blank! Hmmnn... t'was strange, i was pretty sure i had a picture of two people intimately close with each other -almost kissing- as a matter of fact!

He then told me there wasn't any image because i didn't upload the picture file correctly thus it was not displayed in his computer. My my! How thoughtless of me! Well, i must admit i am new to html codes and the like. But thanks to my friend here, he saved me!

Awesome isn't it? Complete with the beautiful colors of the sunset (oh, it can be a sunrise too, depending on the time of day you are viewing this) with its reflection hovering the horizon; a smiling face at one end which must have launched a million spacecrafts of today if not ships of yesterday (oh, i can't believe i said that!); coupled with two sunflowers in full bloom! Wow huh. Amazingly done by amazing hands (i say fingers) right? .
A million thanks to you, my dear pal. You are one very gifted creation! Hey, am i allowed to say your name here?

Anyway, im sure you must be wondering why i didn't use this as my header image. Well, i have personal reasons which i am not at ease writing them down here much less telling anyone for that matter... but i can whispher it to you if you want me to ;-). See you back home!


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