Thursday, April 05, 2007

The light... the lamp

This special lamp sitting atop my computer CPU is so dear to me because it enables me to focus on so many things...I'm in attention to many details and of minute objects that it illumnates like:

1. Paper clips strayed out its box- allowed me to percieve life as it opens up a day at a time;

2. Pens and pencils, which stood up straight and ready as if me standing by the door eager and able to face life and its realities;

3. Huge black scissors amidst the other praphrenelia of what-nots in a cup-reminding me the complex yet interesting status wherein i am a role player;

4. Iron Candlestand with flowers around it (at the back of the lamp) -telling me that life is full of wonders;

5. Sweet plaster-of-paris teddy bear which gracefully stand having its head up- tutoring me to keep both my feet on the ground fixed and steady but ever brisk whenever tantrums surmise;

6. Black and squared fragrance oil candle holder for the bedroom - emitting its romantic essence to refresh my body as well as my inner self and become a renewed person every so often;

and perhaps lastly but the most important one;

7. The cool yet bright light, which the lamp boasts - allowed me to brainstorm that i could fullfill my destiny and satisfy my mind in accepting how complex this journey called LIFE is!

As i touch this lamp with my bare fingers, it lights up instantly and shows off the illumination it can offer, depending on the tapping succession of the fingers:

* ist touch - lights up very softly but can illuminate the entire bedroom;

*then next touch- lights up dimly bright to see anything around

*the third sequence - lights up its vibrant bright light bringing in wholesomeness and care to the rest of the room!

Tap it on the fourth sequence and it's gone... yet it still there awaiting its next sequence of adeptness to its obedience and then starts another series of its craftsmanship, as with LIFE' s continuing cycle of ups and downs. *-*


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