Sunday, April 01, 2007

Each year we, devout Catholics follow the chain of sufferings felt by Jesus Christ while saving humanity. In turn, we make sacrifices too to proclaim our love for HIM. There are a thousand and one ways to do so, one of which is by forgiving; not just one person but to the most that we could accommodate in our hearts. As I see it, it is the most fulfilling task to do this Lenten season.

Of course, we all have our enemies and foes and bitterness. We’ve experienced a lot of bad days and bad temper days. We have let down someone close to our heart; or uttered unbecoming phrases; or didn’t jive with his/her sentiments. Well, I myself has done it, one way or the other, but despite these misconceptions, misunderstandings, misnomer or whatever- they should- be cast away specially on these times to give way to the truth and happiness and peace of mind, which we all deserve.

So in time with the passion of Christ on the cross, may we forgive and forget the misdoings and tempers of another’s well being. May we simply acknowledge his/her existence here on earth the same way we all do. May we be granted peace of mind and more strength to allow ourselves to be a better person each time we correct the mistakes. And may we be forgiven as we forget any ill deeds done to us, which might have just been unintentionally committed. And may we all be at peace with each other, today and always.


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