Those times when we get to laugh out loud
times when we get to talk so fast
the times when you tried to tell a joke and i didnt get it but smiled
those times when you fill my world with love.. or was it?
times when we both share the oneness in our hearts...
They are gone now... gone with everything i cherished
gone with my deepest care and passion within me
gone with my dreams of getting closer and dearer
gone with the wind, they say.
It's sad, trully sad
when i don't see you anymore
when i can't see you anymore
when i should not see you anymore
when i must not see you anymore...
when i would not be with you anymore
when i must not be with you anymore
when i should not be with you anymore
when i can't be with you anymore...
What's left with life, huh
You should have cared
you should have sensed it
you should have listened
you should have shared
you should have LOVED.
(this is also posted in my other weblogs: My Heart Beats and Friendster)