The state of being...An art, any kind of art implies emotions: deep; varied; peaceful; sensitive; soft; serene; flowing; enhancing; soothing; kind; full; rich; seamless; huggable; inspiring; cool; magical; heavenly and perhaps... loving!
There are a million ways to express art and a million more to understand it. Each one of us may see it differently in one moment but may seem to be connivance all together in the next, depending on how it is viewed and/or interpreted. I think my love for it started when I was three (3) years old. I remember my mom telling me how to do my hair and what dress to wear before family pictorial and stuff like that. I kind of disliked her choice coz I thought I looked better not in pink. Eventually, I wore a white fluffy full-laced skirt and ended up pulling it down coz it was too short!
My supposedly logo for the letterhead i was about to lay out. But sadly enough we (my co-architects) didn't get it going... @ least not yet. But i'm hopeful there might be a chance for it to be laid down on paper, for good. Oh,by the way, f.y.i.- it spells the fisrt letters of my name.