Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lost you...?

I lost a friend...not because she died

not even because she took off, or did she?

But because: she isn't my friend, not anymore.

I'm saying she 's lost because...

she isn't with me anymore

not even within my boundaries

not within my thoughts.

She is gone, gone to where i am not.

Away from my viewpoint

away from my dreams.

I sure miss you dear one

my good old beacon

a close chum

much tighter than a kin.

Goodbye to you

but I thank YOU, for old time's sake

but i won't fret too much

because i might see you again

up on that HILL!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Is it pain? regret? or the feeling of emptiness as a result of loss? I don't know. I don't think I need to analyze it so much since poetry always projects a different colour to every eyes, with different point of views.
    Ms.B said...
    hello Rey. Yes, you were right. It was emptiness i felt when i came up with this poem. That "she" pronoun refers to both genders, but i specifically placed "she" coz it's more subtle. Thanks for visiting here, keep updated for more!

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