Saturday, June 23, 2007

Let's GO!

"In the past, when you saw something you wanted to do, you didn't wait for an engraved invitation before getting involved. So why are you being so shy about embracing a certain new experience? Today you must stop hiding away from this adventure. If you keep focusing on a recent failure or disappointment, you'll stop growing -- and you'll never reach your full potential. Take a chance and jump off that balcony of fear. You will land on your feet..."
I got this message very early today from a dear friend , which made me realize how true it is. Indeed, i used to be a forward person, My teen days always gets me to do the things which i normally dont; I used to go where my heart tells me; There were times when my mom forbids me but my spirits were so high , i end up getting tangled with the unforbidden moves.
Oh well, those were the times of my life! I have changed then, I became a silent type person. My thoughts wont make me do the unwanted feelings. My heart tells me better what to do and not. Life has changed for me. And that was a century ago too!
Lately, i get the feeling something's lacking. As if there is something that i needed to do... so strong it makes me want to fly with ease and soar high, to be with the clouds! Something tells me go out and embrace life! Search the hidden and open up to the realities amd beauties of nature! Accept the faults done but keep in mind that there is still a great world out there! In short: Grow! Learn and be FREE! 'coz life is trully BEAUTIFUL!


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