More fuzz, full-packed ships, boats and bancas, overflowing plane rides, sold out suite rooms, overjoyed resto-bars, better street dancers, new flocks of pilgrim devotees everyday…etc. These and more were the common sites and commotions of the just concluded Sinulog festivities here in the beautiful city of Cebu, which culminated last January 15, 2006, in honor of the Holy Child Señor Sto Niño. As far as can remember during my college years in Spanish class that you address a grown up male individual as Señor while little lads are called: señorito, but in this case, our Sto. Niño is addressed as Señor for the reason that although he is still a child, he is bigger than anything, which explains better why he holds the world in the palm of his hand.
Actually, the whole celebration kicked off at the onset of the Novena, a nine-day prayer, which started last Thursday and culminating nine days later, which should be third Sunday of the first month of every year of the Roman calendar. This year it fell on the fifteenth (15th) of January.
Traditionally, Sinulog is a religious celebration consisting mainly of church activities namely: Novena mass, fluvial or water parade and procession. But the city adapted to it by organizing a Mardi gras (a day of carnival and merrymaking); concert performances by local bands from Cebu mostly from other provinces and locally as well; beauty pageant (Miss Cebu); song festival called-Pop music festival; Sinulog dance contests between graders and high school and many more to highlight the affair as a way of winding up the entire event with a climactic effect. As it was initially a religious undertaking, the local government together with the provincial officials got interested by the charisma and devotion of the pilgrims from all walks of life and traveling from other parts of the world would sweat their tears out just to witness the whole event and be near with the holy child hoping to be in commune with him intimately. So, the city dads thought of integrating within some cultural aspects based on historical facts and formulated a series of activities under their direct supervision and management. Thus the street dancing contests were conceived in early 80’s, which drew attention from the local residents here and most especially our very own Balikbayans abroad. A series of civic events were lined up few days prior to the feast day itself including a beauty pageant in search for Miss Cebu, which was outstandingly popular (at least for me) because she is the little sister of my daughter’s friend and colleague in biology class last year. She is really pretty! With that flawless, slender waist, bright yellow flowing gown…a great smile and a heart of gold with that perfect answer (well, almost) to the 64-dollar question, who would miss giving her that crown!
Also, there were local bands winding up and performing their feat giving it their best shot of music with their new and old compositions while singing their hearts out ‘til they ran out of it (as if they did). Oh, one local band just landed as one of the top performers and guess what- the lead singer (Jay) is my husband’s nephew! I’m referring to the Cueshe’, An all male band whose music perpetuated much on teen’s ears, but I’m into their music too, mind you.
On the other hand, as the city prepares for the big event, more stalls filled with souvenir items were put up by the sidewalks of Abellana School frontal perimeter for easy access of the tourists and/or visitors of their shopping needs. It was indeed a spectacle!
Speaking of visitors and tourists, I saw some local celebrities from the capital city like the Pinoy Big Brother cast, who danced their way to the oval arena of Abellana National high school on top of their float as an entry. And sure enough the crowd grew wilder then; the very talented Ogie Alcasid, who chants like a yellow bird (who just kissed his tweety partner) and whose songs lured every Filipino love mate; and also the energetic husband lawyer of Sharon- Atty. Pangilinan. Of course there were more, just can’t narrate them all here.
In connection to the growing crowd of people who flocked their way here in Cebu, understandably business wise, it grew relatively high. An upsurge of sales reaped through the whole business community. Least not forgotten the mall reapers, or shall I say the pick pockets or the “mandurokots”, the rippers surely earned more than the usual ordinary weekdays. They too had a grand time!
Sinulog, truly is an affair to remember!
Here are some images i took from my mobile phone. Excuse the blur and all, afterall, i was doing it just for fun!