Did you know that trees decorated inside homes dates back to ancient times? Yes they do, according to some historians from the western part of the world. One said that “…
the Egyptians were part of a long line of cultures that treasured and worshiped evergreens…” These people welcome the winter solstice by bringing forth “…
green date palm leaves to symbolize life’s triumph over death.”
Notice the resemblance to our Christmas tree tradition? As I’ve read in some manuscripts, a kind of tree called:Firs, were long been associated with Christianity and locally in Germany at that. It was told that St. Boniface angered by the acts of the pagans worshipping the oak tree cut down the entire oak tree but was amazed when a new Fir tree came sprouting atop the old cut oak tree. He considered it a sign of Christian faith thereby giving specific due to Fir trees.
Well, whatever the angle of the story was, i admit bringing trees inside our homes on Christmas season, warm our hearts more with love, ease our minds with peace and cleanse our soul with hope.
Today, we are awed to the ways people treat trees for Christmas. Some are true ones while others aren’t. Either way, I find it an avid sign of true faith as a Catholic believer. Don’t you?