A way to stay young and healthy! (take it from me ! hehehehe )
USANA- is the word! It is the greek term which means : True Health! Imagine yourself getting older- every second of every hour and every minute of your life! That's because the cells inside the body are deteriorating faster than the right food choices you make. It means simply : Degeneration! And everything that happens in our body depends 'mainly' on the kind of foods we eat everyday. Our pace is slower than the rotting effect of the body's daily metabolism -or the chemical process happening inside a living cell thereby breaking down some substances which are necessary for life.
Take for example an apple- everytime we open or bite on it, it leaves a progressive mark on the surface of the apple and becomes brown after a few minutes. This is due to the onset of 'oxidation' or the deterioration of the apple as it is exposed from outside particles including- oxygen -the element we breathe!
Well, to make my point much easier to comprehend, why not open this page and find out for yourself everything i mentioned here: