'twas a cold morning as I drove early to where we ought to meet. Ms. Davao was already there and so was Mr. K. We ate and wait. Then another colleague appeared (Ms. Tru-or-falls) and joined in our table. Still, we ate and wait.
After a while, we decided to text two more: Ms. C. and of course, SIR EnP- both our mentors! Sure thing, they are the reason why we are having this field trip... or was it
just a trip? (I thought it was our assignment). Anyway, we all converged and wheeled off @ exactly ten fifty nine (10:59a.m.) take note of the time, coz it’s
significant. It was surely THE RIDE! We had so much fun that we forgot about LUNCH! Not to mention how thrilling the whole trip was, at least, for me, coz it was my FIRST TIME (first time mu?) to traverse that "…
long and winding road…" (kanta man na’) Trans-Central Highway.
Ahhh yes! We were in
Balamban! The thriving municipality west of Cebu City. It is a quite but cool place (kay tugnaw man didto oy!). So, we ordered something to fill our empty stomachs and "...
talked a while." (kanta na pud na). Many things followed after that like laughter and smiles and what-have-you, while we made some shots and poses on their windy but magnificent seaside eatery (a, balak man manang).
Here are some snapshots. (pls click on the picts to enlarge)

...To be continued...